

CSR Health Impact Awards Categories


CSR Health Project

This award aims to recognize the CSR campaign which pulled it all together: passion, creativity, heart and soul, and of course, success; the initiative that had the biggest health outcome bang for the buck and effort expanded and serves as an inspiration to other organizations whose CSR work is in the area of health. The project parameters must involve effective health communication, mass penetration, idea, innovation, creativity, reach and impact oriented.


CSR Health Project (Large Corporate)

This award aims to recognize the CSR campaign of large corporates which pulled it all together: passion, creativity, heart and soul, and of course, success; the initiative that had the biggest health outcome bang for the buck and effort expanded and serves as an inspiration to other organizations whose CSR work is in the area of health. The project parameters must involve effective health communication, mass penetration, idea, innovation, creativity, reach and impact oriented.


CSR Preventive Health Project (Rural)

This award aims to recognize the CSR campaign in rural areas which pulled it all together: passion, creativity, heart and soul, and of course, success; the initiative that had the biggest health outcome bang for the buck and effort expanded and serves as an inspiration to other organizations whose CSR work is in the area of health. The project parameters must involve effective health communication, mass penetration, idea, innovation, creativity, reach and impact oriented.


CSR Preventive Health Project (Urban)

This award aims to recognize the CSR campaign in urban areas which pulled it all together: passion, creativity, heart and soul, and of course, success; the initiative that had the biggest health outcome bang for the buck and effort expanded and serves as an inspiration to other organizations whose CSR work is in the area of health. The project parameters must involve effective health communication, mass penetration, idea, innovation, creativity, reach and impact oriented.


CSR Health System Strengthening Project

The category will recognize CSR projects that have successfully helped in strengthening health systems over a period of time thus building healthier communities and nations..


CSR NCD Control Project

This category will recognize and honour relevant CSR initiatives that have played a pro active role in control of non-Communicable diseases and also created relevant awareness on them.


CSR Health Awareness Campaign

This award is constituted for the organization that came to the rescue as influencer for a health-based cause that needed more awareness. In the busy world today, a number of health and fitness influencers have amassed massive followings. Since health is such a diverse genre, these influencers cover a huge range of project/initiatives/topics. These include mindfulness and meditation, Paleo and Ketogenic diets, plus a growing interest in foods that promote wellness and leave a lasting impact on people’s mind. The organization may have motivated a large group of their employees for the cause, created programs which turned co-workers into spirited volunteers, and resulted in good health outcomes in the community.


CSR Women & Child Health Project

Women and children comprise more than half the population of India, facing major health concerns. This award is to recognize the most impactful CSR project in the field of women and child health and welfare, promoting good health and well-being.


CSR Elderly Care Project

Elderly Care Initiative India houses more than 10.4 crore elderly people who are in need of suitable public infrastructure and healthcare services, with limited financial strength. This award recognises the CSR initiatives which are directed to make lives better for these groups of people who are often ignored by the mainstream society.



CSR Nutrition Project for Children

This category will acknowledge CSR projects that worked towards meeting the nutrition requirements for children. The impact achieved along with the emphasis on awareness about nutritious foods and its value on well- being, through the use of public engagement, will be the essential benchmark.


CSR Nutrition Project for Rural Areas

This category will acknowledge CSR projects that worked towards meeting the nutrition requirements of rural areas. The project should have achieved reasonable impact along with generating relevant knowledge on good food practises in rural communities.


CSR Nutrition Project for Urban Areas

This category will acknowledge CSR projects that worked towards meeting the nutrition requirements of urban areas. The project should have achieved reasonable impact along with generating relevant knowledge on good food practises in urban communities.


CSR Food for All Project (CSR Food Initiative)

Affordable, fresh food is a critical ingredient of a healthy community and one of the keys to upending chronic, nutrition-related diseases like obesity and diabetes that plague impoverished neighbourhoods. But many low-income people, especially those who live in food deserts, face serious hurdles in getting access to good food.

This category is constituted to recognize organizations which have had a significant impact on policy and implementation of public nutrition, including acting towards national food security, emphasis on awareness about healthy foods through innovative methods for engagement with end users, as well as challenging fundamental misconceptions about nutrition and how it relates to well-being.


CSR Nutritional Awareness Project

The category will recognise the best and innovative projects that have generated relevant awareness on the importance and significance of nutritional needs of individuals and the way.


CSR Plantation Drive

The category will honour the most impactful plantation drive project in CSR. The category will acknowledge such endeavours that have played a pro – active role in the drive towards a greener environment.

CSR Waste Management Program

The category will honour the most innovative CSR Waste Management Program in CSR. The category will acknowledge such endeavours that have displayed innovative techniques and benchmarks in waste management thus helping in creating a sustainable solution in waste management practises.

CSR Environmental Sustainability Project

The category will honour the most prestigious CSR Environmental Sustainability Project that have created a successful impact in creating new benchmarks in providing sustainable solutions to environmental degradation.

CSR Clean Energy Project

The category will honour the best CSR initiative that have paved an unprecedented role in providing clean energy.

CSR Sustainable Livelihood Project

The category will acknowledge the best CSR project on providing sustainable livelihood opportunities and thus creating a positive impact on the life of people.

CSR Clean Air Project (Urban)

The category will award the best CSR project on providing clean air solution. The project with the most impactful and sustainable solutions to cleaner and healthier air and environment will be selected.

CSR e-Waste Recycle Project

The project will acknowledge the best CSR projects on e -waste recycle in the most innovative and impactful manner.

CSR Environment Protection Awareness Project

The particular category will honour all CSR path-breaking endeavours on creating relevant awareness on environmental protection and causes.

CSR Swachh Bharat Project

To achieve waste free communities, we need a collective effort from all levels of society – revising our policies, planning, decision-making, supply and packaging of goods, and business models, while simultaneously transforming public attitudes and behaviour across all generations.

This category recognizes those organizations which have taken Initiatives helping to improve the quality-of-life & prosperity for citizens and businesses by making sustainable resource & waste management easy even for the Governments to implement Clean Cities programs, multiple activities, managing zero waste, circular economy and community engagement projects, energy conservation, rainwater harvesting, compost pits or similar infrastructure on cleanliness, painting and adoption of clean-green technology..


CSR Clean Water Project (Urban)

The award will honour the most exemplary CSR project on initiating clean water for specific regions (urban).

CSR Clean Water Project (Rural)

The award will honour the most exemplary CSR project on initiating clean water for specific regions (rural).

CSR Water Harvesting Project

The category will honour the best CSR project that have shown extraordinary contribution to the cause of water harvesting thus providing sustainable solutions to water crisis.

CSR Water Body Revival Project

The category will award the outstanding contribution to the cause of revival of a water body and played a pro – active role in its upgradation.

CSR WASH Initiative

WASH is an acronym that stands for “water, sanitation and hygiene”. Universal, affordable and sustainable access to WASH is a key public health issue within international development and is the focus of Sustainable Development Goal 6.

The category aims to recognizing novel approaches, methods, techniques or technologies adopted and applied to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) challenges. Innovations should have the potential for scaling up on how WASH services are designed or delivered, or their positive impact measured on mass scale..

CSR Water Conservation Awareness Project

The category will felicitate projects that have worked to create awareness on the significance of water conservation and the important role that it plays in ensuring good health and environment.


CSR Sports Promotion Project

This category will nominate and honour organizations – government as well as private social impact foundations, that have played a pro- active role in organising and promoting marathon and other sports events for significant causes.

CSR Urban Green Spaces Project

This category will award and recognize all corporations as well as individuals who have been working tirelessly for the cause of preserving and managing parks and green spaces thus propagating for a healthier and safer environment for all.

CSR Public Infrastructure Project

This recognition will acknowledge all organizations, missions and people who have worked for ensuring facilities like open Gyms and other necessary infrastructures for a healthier and fitter population.

Individual & Organizational

CSR Leader of the Year

The award will honour impact makers who have made a significant contribution in creating a healthier and better nation through unprecedented work in the domain of CSR.

Health Focussed NGO of the Year

The honour will acknowledge the pathbreaking work done by civil organization in the field of health and awareness creation, thereby creating a substantial impact on the health of the nation.

Best CSR Impact Maker of the Year

This category will specifically honour individualistic CSR efforts that have achieved the maximum impact in the wellbeing of the society.

Most Innovative CSR Project of the Year

This award will honour the most innovative and unique project in the domain of CSR. The project should have garnered the maximum impact and support for public welfare.

COVID PUBLIC Health Warriors

This category is for the State Government, Health and Medical Organizations including Research Institutions, Department or Public Health Institutions which managed the best response to COVID 19 and controlled and managed the situation within the limited resources for the best results and maintained the excellent administration, research and supervision in the various Region, Villages & Clusters in the States, and Union Territories.

Social Impact Business of the Year

The organization that made the most remarkable social impact in 2024 through their remarkable work and presence would be honoured with this award.

Social Impact Champion of the Year

The award will honour individuals who have played a pro-active role in creating a lasting social impact in public welfare through their remarkable contribution.


. All individuals can nominate directly with one key reference of an authentic person or nominate by any third party in the select category.
. Nominee or their company and the third party who is nominating will have to submit their authentic Government IDs with detailing of the contribution made by the nominated candidate which can be rewarded.
. Document should be in a PDF format containing, initiative, project handled, importance of the project, how many lives the project affected positively, areas and places he had worked along with feedback from the people.
. Supporting photographs, nominee’s video, video bite of the reference and working stills would help in selection process and further highlight the story on the website and social media platforms.

Jury Awards

. Jury will have right to directly nominate any deserving name at their own capacity
. The same will be supported with documents and relevant project, initiative, work undertaken by a company, organization or individual during this period
. These Awards will be in the category of Jury Awards
. These are simply either by the Jury or people/companies not able to file the nomination due to any circumstances and have the capability and credential to be acknowledged and rewarded
. The Jury Awards category is not limited to any region, country or geographical location.
. Jury has right to nominate and reward people and organizations globally

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