Sanjiv Navangul was appointed the Managing Director of Janssen India in August 1, 2013. In addition to his current responsibilities, he also handles the South Asian markets of Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. Prior to joining Janssen India, he was the Managing Director of MSD, Philippines
He has over 25 years of experience in Pharmaceutical industry which spans various geographies across Europe, Asia and India with experience in varied business functions such as Sales, Marketing, Supply Chain, Finance, Strategy and General Management.
Sanjiv is active in Healthcare Policy in India and is Vice President – Organisation of Pharmaceuticals Producers of India (OPPI – representative body of the MNCs in the pharmaceutical sector) and is also the Chairman of the Medical & Regulatory Work Group –OPPI. He is currently the Chairman- American Chambers of Commerce (AMCHAM) – Pharmaceutical Committee.
Sanjiv holds a Degree in Pharmacy and a Masters Degree in Business Administration. He has been a part of one year Executive Management Program with Harvard. He is a sought-after speaker in the Industry Forum. He is based in Mumbai with his wife and two children. Sanjiv enjoys reading and teaching in his spare time.